Schiller Gymnasium Pforzheim Unsere Schule Heft 36

English Reading Contest On July 14, Schiller Gymnasium hosted our annual reading compe- tition. Participants from grades 5 and 7 read excerpts of their own choice, ranging from birthday plannings to dangerous dreams and even the end of world time. The jury, consisting of teachers Ms Stelter, Ms Blessing and Ms Smiciklas as well as of senior student Leif Sanden, had an exceptio- nally hard time deciding upon the winners. They emphasized the high level of English among all contestants. Not only did the students read clearly and at a perfect speed, they also put a lot of emphasis on just the right spots in their texts. Winners were Alexander Reiser (grade 7) and Maya Janulewicz (grade 5). Both received a book coupon. Even though the holidays lay ahead on this sunny Friday morning, the audience listened carefully and applauded heartily. We are already looking forwards to next year’s competition! Jannis Seifried 77